Saturday, June 26, 2010


Having written succinctly about ZEN in my earlier post, I wasn’t sure of my next one and didn’t find any topic interesting enough to write my view point. In 2010, ZEN is the best thing, I have come across and it flows in me every day. Now, I am not who I was, a couple of months before, as I find a terrific change in me mentally with the intervention of koans.

“Life travels the way, we see it and there are no pre written routes”. This statement holds good when met with success but when faced with failure, comes the word ‘FATE’, a pre written story. We humans have the nature to accept appreciations and vomit the criticism, we just can’t handle it. I ain’t a different species and I found myself in the midst of man’s self destruction mechanism, self pity. Having changed a career track from research based studies to creative based studies had me completely go nuts. Creativity wasn’t a problem for me; seeing the creative idea visually was the daunting task.

I would call up someone and talk hours and hours together, to tell that I am not compatible, totally stuporous and the same routine continued before I got injected with koans. It articulated one thing to me and that was, ‘I was blind’. Why? I was looking at my problems through my eye and refused to take them behind the bars of my eye balls into my brains. Problems were seen by me as I would see the animals in the zoo, not to care, but to look and have a statement said about them. I found Zen taking a devil version of myself as I didn’t want to accept the change but for the first time I support ‘FATE’, in the context of success, as a path was provided to lead myself to the right track.

What I missed all these days? Confidence; I had been lost within me. Losing confidence is losing yourself; similar to a human body without white blood cells (WBC’s). You lose immunity to survive. Tigers and Cats belong to the same family but why do we fear the Tiger? Cause its ferocious, Strong, etc etc. But do we ever know what the tiger thinks about us? No. We don’t. We are conditioned to get scared. The same goes to our problems, the one who dares to face the devil in the eye survives or provides a path for others to survive. I was bogged down with my problems, never wanting to face them but if life has move on then I got to face them one day. A problem should be seen as a door blocking the entrance to a room of happiness. Once you dare to face it, you win it halfway and your confidence to solve it, will find you the solution key, leading you to the room of happiness.

A spark is all we need and I am happy I could find my first solution key with the help of Zen koans. My eyes got mutated with the notion of self and knowledge in it. Problems of any kind are better solved when it involves only you. I call upon all of you, to live for yourselves because when you think deeper, you will know that you are living a life that never forms YOU. I strive towards living at my own terms but reality (society) has to be faced.

ありがとう (THANKS)

1 comment:

  1. GOOD.The sentences are very it ur own or else u picked from somewhere?anyway it builds confidence.i will tell ur mama LET US LIVE OUR LIFE FOR OURSELVES.but in this society it is not possible all u write poems in tamil aiso?it is nice to read.anu.
